A birthday gift from us: the vegan cinnamon bun recipe from HOME’s cafe bar

We received an Instagram message a few weeks ago from a HOME visitor, Aimee, who was missing the HOME-cooked goodies we usually serve in our cafe and restaurant. She was spending her birthday in lockdown and asked if we could possibly send her the recipe for our vegan buns so she could make them at home.

Thanks to Kev and Andy from the Cafe Bar we got her the recipe and wanted to share it with you too!



1kg strong white bread flour
20g salt
110ml olive oil
20g sugar
45g fresh yeast
500ml warm water

Combine all ingredients to form a ball and knead on a clean surface for 5 mins


250g Vegan Butter (melted)
20g Cinnamon
100g Dark brown sugar

Sugar syrup

100g caster sugar
100ml water

Boil together


  1. Roll your dough to a rectangular shape approx. 5mm thick
  2. cover the dough with half of the vegan butter
  3. Sprinkle half of the brown sugar and cinnamon
  4. Fold in half and pin out again back to the original shape
  5. Coat with the remaining butter, sugar and cinnamon then roll up lengthways
  6. Divide into 14 pieces at 3 ½ cm thickness.
  7. Place them flat side down on a grease proofed baking tray
  8. Prove somewhere warm for 40 mins
  9. Bake at 220 degrees for 10-12 minutes
  10. Dip in sugar syrup while still warm