NT Connections 2025 Day 1

Thu 24 Apr 19:00
Thu 24 Apr

Day one of this year’s festival features Middleton Technology Schools’ version of Saba's Swim written by Danusia Samal and Winstanley College’s version of Raver’s by Rikki Beadle-Blair.

Saba's Swim

Seven months ago, Saba walked out of her GCSE mocks and didn’t come back. Her friends don’t understand why. Now, on prom night, Saba has finally made contact, challenging her friends to track her down via a series of cryptic clues. But when the friends are finally reunited, Saba is different. The way she sees the world has changed. And what she’s asking of her friends… is it more than they can give?


A rag-tag group of self-described ‘neeks’ (nerds and geeks) gather at midnight in a local park, to hold a ‘dry rave’. (no intoxicants). Will they succeed in redefining ‘cool’? Or will the powers that be succeed in shutting down the neek revolution?

There will be an interval between the two performances.

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Duration: 2 hours and 30 minutes
Tickets are £5