HER Productions presents

The Taming of the “Shrew”

Directed by Amy Gavin & Hannah Ellis Ryan 

The Bella’s Club will officially re-open in 2025 and you’re invited!

HER Productions remount their highly successful rendition of one of Shakespeare’s most polarising comedies. 

A drunken patron (Sly) falls victim to our gang of Unseemly Women. As Sly wakes from his wild night of Cabaret, he is told a story, supporting a wider prank that Sly is not a drunken patron, but a Lord of great status and wealth. Our Unseemly Women spin him a tale about a wealthy merchant of Padua, and two daughters: Katerina and Bianca. Because of Katerina’s “shrewish” disposition, her father has declared that no one shall wed Bianca until such a time as Katerina has been married. But our girls have a secret… 

The Stage

“Unseemly Women’s production of The Taming of The “Shrew” brings heart, laughs and realism to the original tale in this modern retelling.”

I Love Mcr

“HER Productions, Unseemly Women & Girl Gang Manchester rise to the challenge of how to stage a play which is not currently popular with a production that, whilst radical and reflective, is always entertaining.”

British Theatre Guide

Production Images - Taming of the 'Shrew'

Meet the Cast:

Oceana Cage
Sarah Legg
Shady Murphy
Ciara Tansey
Emily Spowage
Hope Yolanda
Jakki Moore
Leah Eddleston
Megan Holland
Mia Gibson
Naomi Albans
Nicole Keri

Recommeded for 14+

Running time approx. 2 hour 20mins  (inc. interval)