Working Class Heroes

Directed by Colin Stone

Here in Manchester we have a skyline of cranes and new build luxury tower blocks. Plastered everywhere just north of the centre is the slogan ‘Putting the soul back in to Manchester’. But who really creates a city’s soul?

What if a home for life means a sense of security, community and belonging? What if power play means that you have to uproot and start again because suddenly a redeveloped, inner city estate with good house prices becomes gold dust for the middle classes?

Working Class Heroes is a RECLAIM project film that focuses on working class heritage within rapidly changing communities in Manchester. It investigates the idea that the lifeblood of estates is community and identity and how that can change drastically when your surroundings do the same. We have interviewed residents and representatives from Hulme and Ancoats who can tell you first hand that it is a continuous battle.

RECLAIM is a youth-leadership and social change charity based in Manchester, working with working class young people with an aim to end leadership inequality.

Tickets will be £1

30 minutes