Post-show discussion

This discussion will focus on living in the ‘age of anxiety’ and how we can create more fulfilling lives. We are particularly looking around reducing the stigma of mental health conditions, celebrating the triumphs of people who really can thrive despite experiencing these type of health issues. Engagement in nature and engagement in the arts are great and inspiring ways of overcoming mental distress or anxiety in the modern age.

We welcome the following guests as part of the discussion:

Salma Qasim is a PhD student focusing on mental health stigma, anti-stigma campaigns and how these relate to race and ethnicity. She also works as a reablement worker, specialising in promoting independence and giving emotional support to enable individuals to control and manage their own lives.

Mick McKeown is Professor of Democratic Mental Health at the University of Central Lancashire. He is a mental health nurse and active in Unison the trade union, interested in alternative forms of mental health care, creativity and community organising.