The Revenger’s Tragedy

Play reading series presents

The Revenger’s Tragedy is an English language Jacobean revenge tragedy, in the past attributed to Cyril Tourneur but is sometimes considered to be the work of Thomas Middleton by “Middletonians”. It was performed in 1606, and published in 1607 by George Eld.

A vivid and often violent portrayal of lust and ambition in an Italian court, the play typifies the satiric tone and cynicism of much Jacobean tragedy. The play fell out of favor at some point before the restoration of the theaters in 1660; however, it experienced a revival in the twentieth century among directors and playgoers who appreciated its affinity with the temper of modern times

This event can be booked only by telephone from 2nd March 2012. Please call 0161 200 1551 Monday – Friday 10am – 5pm. You may need to leave a message.

Text source Wikipedia