This directorial debut feature from Jaurrieta – teacher, scriptwriter, producer, editor and actor – is a thrilling journey into the personal liberation of a woman unexpectedly expelled from her comfortable but unfulfilling life when a mysterious doppelgänger takes her place. Including echoes of Hitchcock and Lynch, an uncanny atmosphere pervades the film as Ana abandons her fiancé and career, and embraces an alternative version of herself, complete with a job in a seedy cabaret. Exploring her sexuality from this new position in society, Ana seems both vulnerable and empowered, an eerie ambiguity that holds the audience in suspense until the end. With its vibrant use of sound and colour, and masterful framing and editing, plus a whole host of quirky characters, this is great fun to watch.

105 minutes

Translated title:
Ana by Day


Full English

Country of origin:

Year of production:

This screening has no adverts or trailers and starts at the advertised time