Recommended for: AS and A2 Film & Media

Capacity: 158 places

In this full day session, aimed at AS and A2 students, Lucy Brett will introduce students to the diverse work of the BBFC and discuss notions of censorship and classification in the UK.

The event includes a screening of Darren Aronofsky’s Black Swan after which the group will debate the BBFC’s final certificate decision for the film and will discuss issues raised in the film.

Led by Heidi Renton, BBFC Deputy Education Officer.

Screening: Black Swan 15

Dir Darren Aronofsky / US 2010 / 108 mins

Black Swan is a gripping psychological thriller set in the competitive world of the New York ballet. Nina is a dedicated dancer whose dreams of taking the lead in Swan Lake threaten to overpower her already fragile state of mind. Natalie Portman gives a powerful performance as Nina, as she struggles to open herself up to the passion and darkness needed to play the Black Swan.